ASSORPAS is the association that brings together the Italian companies operating in the sector of the small Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (micro and mini UAV , also called "drones ").
The team is composed by members coming from the sectors of the manufacturers and the operators of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), united in purpose to be active in a shared definition and development of a market with significant growth prospects.
The areas of use of these systems are of strategic interest to the national community: civil protection, monitoring and management of critical situations, environmental surveys, mapping, security in industrial plants and construction sites, shooting images for scientific, documentary or promotional purposes.
ASSORPAS intends (quoting the purposes set out in its Statute) "to promote the proper and harmonious development of the market in compliance with competition rules among the involved actors and ensuring product and operating safety". This aim will be pursued acting in the interests of both market operartors (usually innovative SMEs), end users and, ultimately, the whole citizenship.
ASSORPAS has contacts with ENAC (the Italian Authority responsible for defining the rules that govern the sector in Italy) and with international organizations active in the world of RPAS. As national association member of UVS International, ASSORPAS seats in the European RPAS Coordination Council, a part of the Board of Directors. Furthermore, ASSORPAS is member of the EUROCAE WG73, focused on the analysis of all the key issues related to the RPAS usage in the European Union.