Yesterday, February 22, 2022, took place the first general assembly of JEDA ( Joint European Drone Associations ), the European federation of national associations in the UAS sector.
During the assembly, was presented the path that, starting from last year, led to the creation of JEDA, which today has 17 members representing 16 countries.
JEDA, whose registered office is established in Brussels, intends to represent a unified voice of the European drone economy, promoting many activities related to the UAS / RPAS sector. JEDA adopts an inclusive approach, oriented to the transposition of the needs coming from the single States and from the various segments of the UAS sector, to present to the European institutions (European Commission, EASA and other European Authorities for aviation or professional organizations) the peculiarities and needs of this particular field of aviation.
During the meeting, the GA approved the members of the Board of Directors (BoD), one for each member State, who will be in charge until 2024.

Within the BoD, the GA elected also the members of the Executive Committee, that carries out the daily management of the association.
- President - Achim Friedl (UAV DACH, Germany)
- Vice President - Philippe Boyadjis (FPDV, France), Vidmantas Kairys (DRONEA, Lithuania)
- Secretary General - Sara Mangoni (ASSORPAS, Italy)
- Treasurer - Laurent Geeraerts (BDF-EUKA, Belgium)
The assembly continued with the presentation of the future JEDA activities for the year 2022: activation of communication channels, accreditation activities and contacts with national and European institutions, dissemination activities, fact-finding surveys among member States and contributions to the development of European standards currently under definition.
Lots of JEDA's activities will be carried out through the creation of Competence Groups, which will develop the association's point of view on relevant issues of technical and operational nature, on training or other aspects related to safety and environment.
ASSORPAS congratulates Sara Mangoni on her new position and wishes her and the entire JEDA BoD all the best for their work. Further information will be disseminated along the project’s development.

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